“If we talk about the Moscow University, it is undoubtedly recognized as the leading scientific and educational institution of the country, since it has the necessary infrastructure and a team of scientists who are capable of tackling the most complex government tasks. <...> And today we have implemented projects that are associated with the creation of new medical equipment, new diagnostic methods, including new tumor markers, which are being clinically tested in our University clinic, and subsequently can be successfully used in practical medicine. There is a pressing need to create this “Institute for Advanced Medical Research” as part of Moscow State University,” said Kamalov.
He noted that when it comes to the development of such an organization MSU has serious advantages over stand-alone clinics and institutes.
“For example, in the field of medical science: we have the opportunity to discuss with employees of various faculties - chemistry, biology, physics and others - those issues that are of interest to the medical community. And thanks to inter-faculty interaction, we come up a joint course of action to start implementing the research process - from fundamental science to practical healthcare. <...> In this respect, Moscow State University is fundamentally different from other institutions, stand-alone institutes. There is a fundamental and clinical base, which is capable of solving any “turnkey” problem in the field of biomedicine,” said the director of the Medical Center of the Moscow University.
Kamalov considers the possibility of using scientific achievements in real life to be one of the criteria for the effectiveness of research. “It is important that fundamental science is reflected in further applied scientific research, with the subsequent approbation of a new method or device with implementation in practical life. In fact, it is essential to ensure the creation of a certain product. And the government is more than interested in this practice, since “naked science” ultimately does not translate into economic benefits for the government, said the academician.
Source: TASS